Blake Boston
What person would want to wake up one day and find out that they’ve been nicknamed “Scumbag Steve” by everyone else on the planet? To be sure, there aren’t many people around. Unfortunately, one man was forced to make a decision! In the real world, he goes by the given name Blake. The humorous photo he had snapped at his grandmother’s house had hit the internet by storm, and he had no idea it would be so popular. They did, on the other hand, run, run, run. According to his Twitter bio, “I’m Blake Boston from Boston, aka the OG meme Scumbag Steve, father of 2 boys.” People, please allow the individual to live!

Blake Boston
Gavin Thomas
It took hours for the internet community to get over Gavin’s miniscule stature as a human. He’s still alive and well today, thank goodness! His bewildered and unsure countenance provided as the perfect backdrop for a wave of questioning memes to be created in response to it. But, perhaps more significantly, where has he disappeared to? Gavin Thomas is his real name, which he has revealed publicly. Mr. Thomas is missing a couple of teeth at the moment. On top of that, he has accounts on Instagram and Twitter, but does he ever publish anything? Is his mother a frequent user of social media? According to the evidence, this looks to be the type of situation for which the Gavin meme was originally conceived.

Gavin Thomas