The Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat, along with Garfield, is possibly the most well-known feline in the history of the world. The majority of people agree that she was the modern update to the cat world. What exactly is Grumps up to these days, aside from being displeased with everything in his life? After a book deal and a well-known Instagram profile, there isn’t much left. This is due to the fact that Grumpy has passed away! Yes, there are people. Grumpy died in May of this year after a long battle with cancer. The fate of the universe decreed that seven years rather than nine lifetimes would be lived — but memes will survive forever!

The Grumpy Cat
Laina Morris
And who could forget the excited young lady who accompanied him? Numerous people are not aware that this meme is based on the song “Boyfriend,” by Justin Bieber, which was mimicked in a video. A screenshot taken by YouTuber Laina Morris appears to have taken on a life of its own and spread over the internet. Laina soon developed a significant following on YouTube and Twitter. However, like many other young people who post about their lives on social media, she took a vacation from the platform to focus on her mental health and welfare instead. This is an excellent idea in general!

Laina Morris