You’d Be Wise To Avoid Getting These Tattoos At All Costs

Published on 07/05/2022

Patriotic And Plastered

Among the words with more than one meaning is ‘Plastered’.But here, we don’t use the synonym ‘drunk’.This guy simply can’t stand the whole ‘where are you from?”Questions that he ends up having so often.This is why his reaction to his body has already been tattooed.Land Down Underis the reply.

Patriotic And Plastered

Patriotic And Plastered


Another Nipple Tat

We don’t know how much you really feel about getting anipple tattoo, but we can almost guarantee that you’re still interested.Perhaps this man’s buddy with a bull tattoo.Why did he think it would really be a good option?If you have a disability, we presume that you know that there will be smarter choices for educating others.

Another Nipple Tat

Another Nipple Tat