Internet’s Biggest Viral Memes Stars & What They’re up to Now

Published on 02/17/2022

Viral School Boy

One Russian student, called “A Schoolboy In A Swamp,” captured the attention of people all around the world on the internet. No other classroom had ever been like it – either before or since! It was dressed in a suit and conducting studies at a desk surrounded by plants and water! How did Igor Nazarov, the genuine occupant of that desk, end up in that position? In 2016, Igor received a very unusual invitation. When the Culture Ministry of Kyrgyzstan realized that the swamp meme was filmed in their nation, he was invited to come and see for himself. He accepted the invitation. Despite the fact that his excursion to the country’s fabled marshes was crowdfunded, the images showed that it was well worth the 15,000 rubles he spent. The government was anxious to show him the rest of the facility, and they were successful in their efforts!

Viral School Boy

Viral School Boy

In fact, if there is anything more interesting than viral memes, it is viral memes that have been proven to be phony! Still, we can’t believe that the following image isn’t true!


Frozen In Air Fried Rice Wave Guy

Another viral phenomenon was the ‘fried rice meme’, which showcased a man cooking an amazing wave of rice in his skillet and then posting it on social media. Immediately after posting this intriguing shot online, individuals from all around the world began sending their own rice wave photographs, which were repaired and enhanced with special effects and filters. Unfortunately, the original photo is already a fake, since the wave of rice is a sculpture sold in a fictitious food store in Tokyo, and the wave of rice is a sculpture.

Arroz Frito Tres Delicias Como Una Ola

Frozen In Air Fried Rice Wave Guy