Renata Sorrah
Yes, this bewildered, seeking expression was the spark that ignited the entire event. She was always there anytime there was a need to communicate with those who were confused on social media. But who was she in fact, and what was it that she was spending so much time contemplating? As it turned out, there were no mathematical equations involved. This particular image is taken from a popular Brazilian television soap show! Renata Sorrah played a villain in the early 2000s film Senhora do Destino, and she did an excellent job. With a long and illustrious career in theater production and television productions, she is now in her 70s. She only became internationally famous, though, as meme-makers used her image from the show to create a parody of it. Thank you so much, Renata!

Renata Sorrah
Shutterstock Model
For a short period of time, this well-dressed gentleman represented the proper approach to make a valid point. Whenever he appeared, he did it with an amusing bait and switch phrase, ready to conquer the world of stereotypes. In reality, who was he in the first place? Reddit initiated an investigation after a user assumed he was depicted in a college textbook, prompting the investigation. Examples were derived from the 9th edition of Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach, which was published in 2012. A photoshoot with a woman from Shutterstock was eventually identified as the source of the original image! Later, a friend spotted the thread and discovered that the false businessman was actually an electrical engineer who competed in the Texas bodybuilding championships. After all, who could have guessed what would happen at the bottom of that rabbit hole?

Shutterstock Model