Crimped Hair
This is a haircut that should be reserved for children. In this day and age, who would want to have their hair crimped? It’s impossible to look nice with this kind of hair. Some of you may have entertained the notion, but you should abandon it immediately. Additionally, your hair would suffer serious damage as a result of the high-heat treatment required to produce this result. More than a curling iron, a crimping iron dries your hair out.

Crimped Hair
Slicked Back Bobs
Bob haircuts are still in style. This is why you may occasionally see this haircut on celebrities and stars, or even on people you may know, as a result of its popularity. Some fortunate individuals have achieved a pleasing appearance with this haircut, and as a result, they tend to keep it and never change it. But not all bob cuts are created equal. Slicked back bobs are no longer in style. It gives your hair a greasy and unkempt appearance. You might, however, experiment with a more playful version by making it loose and wild.

Slicked Back Bobs