Bad Color Choices
Not everyone is aware of this, but certain hair colors complement certain skin tones better than others do. Those with colder skin tones should choose hair colors that complement their undertones, while those with warmer skin tones should choose hair colors that complement their undertones. Of course, there are still certain exceptions. However, avoid making the same mistake as Beyonce and choose a hue that is complementary to your skin tone instead.

Bad Color Choices
If you are not a native Jamaican or an indigenous African, you should consider cutting your dreads! At the time, we are in the year 2020, and dreadlocks are not a current fashion statement. We wish to emphasize that getting dreadlocks is not a good idea if you don’t want to attract unwanted attention! Not to mention the fact that both of them are uncomfortably unpleasant and unsanitary. Maybe you’ll be able to snag them if they ever decide to make a reappearance.
