We still recall how this haircut sprang out of nowhere and quickly rose to become one of the most popular trends. It may have appeared to be trendy and punk in the past, but that is no longer the case today. You can still make your hair seem hip and punk in a variety of ways other than by wearing it in this particular style. However, if you are truly dedicated to having one, you should consult with a hairstylist because it is not something that can be done at home.

Dyed Greys
This particular haircut has established a reputation for itself. “I want to speak to the manager.” Some people might think it’s current and sophisticated, but it isn’t in fact so. This haircut was popular in the early 2000s and should have remained in style till that time. It is, without a doubt, out of date. Many people, on the other hand, continue to adore this hairstyle and opt for it. If you want to apply bangs for your hair, make sure they are shorter than the rest of your hair.

Dyed Greys