Mykelti Williamson as Bubba Blue
An interesting fact that is not widely known is that during the filming of Forrest Gump, Mykelti Williamson utilized a prosthetic lower lip for his portrayal of Bubba Blue, Forrest’s shrimp-loving Army buddy. Surprisingly, the role was first offered to Dave Chapelle, who later expressed regret for declining it. Before his breakout role in Forrest Gump, Williamson had been primarily known for his television appearances, including shows like Midnight Caller and The New WKRP Cincinnati.

Mykelti Williamson As Bubba Blue
Mykelti Williamson – Now
Williamson’s recent film role was as Sergeant Hayes in “The 24th,” in addition to appearing in several episodes of the TV series “Lethal Weapon.” His acting career remains vibrant, often portraying military men and tough guys. It’s interesting to note that many of his characters exude a similar essence to Bubba Blue, even when he’s not playing military roles.

Mykelti Williamson – Now