45+ Witty Lost And Found Signs That Would Get Anyone Laughing

Published on 07/07/2022

Don’t Make Them Go Back

If you lose your wallet, you can also lose a lot of crucial information. Losing your driver’s license might be the worst thing that can happen to you for certain people since it necessitates going to the DMV, which is a bastion of evil. It appears that the author of this poster wants to persuade others. I’m hoping whoever found his wallet was moved by his calls for help.

Don't Make Them Go Back

Don’t Make Them Go Back


Don’t Make Eye Contact

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone adores their dog. This is a result of some dogs acting like complete jerks. Others are too aggressive, while some of them are genuinely harmful. If such dogs disappear, their owners could even feel relieved. This sign is definitely misleading since if they genuinely wanted to get rid of Klaus, they wouldn’t need an excuse to give him up for adoption. They could just be being mean to Klaus.

Don't Make Eye Contact

Don’t Make Eye Contact