We understand all too well the hassle of trying to figure out what to do with our pet while we vacation because we are the owners of a devoted, senior cat and were also dog owners.
There are three major possibilities for your pet when you leave on vacation, whether you’re gone for a week or six months. Your animal companion can stay at your home with you, go to someone else’s house, or travel with you. Depending on how long you’ll be gone, how much money you’re prepared to spend, and how much you trust other people to take care of your extended family, you’ll decide what to do with them.

What To Do With Your Pets When Going On Vacation
Keep Them At Home
For us, short excursions work best when we leave our cat at home and hire a pet sitter. In the past, we’ve asked a neighbor to care over him, but as our friends’ schedules with kids and jobs fill up, it feels more burdensome now, so it’s simpler for us to employ someone.
Hiring a professional sitter:
The major drawback of hiring a sitter is the potential cost. The average price per visit is $20, which can add up over several visits. Professional sitters are typically quite trustworthy (but carefully verify references), and they have experience caring for animals. Even better, our pet sitter is bonded, insured, and trained in Pet First Aid. Pet sitters typically come by twice a day for dogs and once a day for cats.
Be aware that, despite not always being professionals, Trusted Housesitters has helped many people discover excellent house and pet sitters.
Ask a Neighbor, Friend or Family Member:
This is typically the least expensive choice, and it’s best if your pet is comfortable with the sitter. A friend or neighbor who lives close by can likely come more frequently than a hired professional if you ask them. The drawback is that your sitter might not be as responsible as someone who is getting paid if they view it more as a favor than a job.
Consider getting your pet a food or water dispenser that operates automatically if you want to make their work a little simpler.
Take Your Pet With You
If you’re traveling by RV or car or intend to stay put for an extended period of time, bringing your pet along may be a good idea. Watch out for border restrictions on animals entering a new nation. There are lengthy quarantine periods for animals entering some nations, such as England. Other nations are less rigorous and merely demand a veterinarian’s certificate of good health and confirmation of immunizations.
Verify that whoever is looking after your pet is someone you can trust. Always ask for recommendations, whether it’s for a company or a professional sitter you don’t know. Ask to take a tour of the facility if your pet is staying somewhere else to get a sense of how well it is maintained and how the other animals are treated. If at all possible, take your pet there beforehand so they can get accustomed to the location while you can reassure them. To make their stay more fun, include familiar toys and items. A local contact who they can deal with in case you aren’t accessible, any particular needs your pet might have, and your emergency contact information should all be provided.
In general, dogs are more social than cats and demand more attention all the time. It’s preferable to have a dog that lives with someone, whether that person is in your house or not. Have your dog stay somewhere familiar if at all possible. Dogs who are left at home while their owners are away frequently spend the most of the day gazing at the door while anticipating your return. Make sure whoever is looking after your dog has their best interests in mind because it’s typical for dogs left somewhere else to misbehave and act out.
Animals are typically able to adjust to their circumstances, and some pets even seem to enjoy the extra attention they receive when their owners are gone for a long time. You might be amazed at how well they’ll do whether they’re staying at the newest stylish dog boutique or at grandma’s with her four other cats.